• Writing Tips: Logos - What is your Core?

    Before you ever get to this part, really look at what you write. What is the overlapping theme amongst your stories? What hides at the core of each story? What appears in each story? Animals are common in my stories. Family, too. I like to throw in a dash of magic and wonder because everyday life feels full of those to me. What about you? You don't have to know the answer now. Just make notes and allow the unexpected (or maybe sort of expected?) to greet you. When you start publishing, or even a…

  • Writing Tips: Characters - What They Wear

    I came across this picture while contemplating what Writing Tip to share this time. Here are some questions I asked myself when I saw it: Where is she from? Why is she wearing so much gold paint and tattoos? Are they permanent tattoos or temporary? Why is she wearing such an ornate necklace? Is she wearing earrings? And on the list went. Are you inspired by pictures? Is what someone is wearing important to a story? Yes, to both for me. But what about you? Did you know clothes can reveal time era…

  • Writing Tips: What do You see? What does you Character see?

    A young writer I am working with is writing a historical fiction short story about a family surviving a flood in the early 1900s. Working with her reminds me of an important lesson one of my mentors worked hard to get across to me. Envision the scene. What do you see? Now, what does your character see?

    I'll apply this to the picture. I see dried roses and open books spread out on a surface, perhaps a bed or a desk. There is a mirror ...

  • Writing Tips: Turning an Idea into Reality

    On and off I've mentioned that I've been helping a friend with his book. It's not a long book - more a nice sit-down length of about 30,000 words - so, about 160 pages the way it formatted for a 6in x 9in book. How do I know this? Because I had the honor of formatting his book. Getting to that point wasn't easy. I struggled to understand - even with YouTube videos and talking to folks - how to take a Word document and turn into a file that would agree with KDP. Then a friend from Realm Makers m…

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