Last year, I participated in the Kickstarter for Book 1 of the Xerus Galaxy Saga: Suspended in the Stars (SITS) by E. A. Hendryx. I had so much fun!
And when the book and goodies arrived - you know the ones that become available thanks to so many folks helping that stretch goals are obliviated - I felt like I was in bookish heaven!! Gotta say, SITS - fantastic read :) Definitely lived up to the hype!
So when I had the chance to participate in the cover reveal and spreading the news for the Kickstarter campaign for Book 2: Falling Through the Black (FTTB), I jumped on it :)
By joining the campaign, you can pick up copies of both books - which is especially awesome if you missed out on the first campaign or haven't gotten around to picking up SITS yet. Also, if you want the special edition of hardcover of Book 1 to go with the special edition hardcover Book 2 ... it's in add-ons AND you can get the edges sprayed for a few extra bucks. So cool!
Here's a short story blurb for SITS:
Suspended in the Stars is a Young Adult science fantasy novel and the first book in the Xerus Galaxy Saga. It is the story of a girl in hiding who teams up with a rogue soldier to save a galaxy ruled by a corrupt governing council. I like to say it's “The Greatest Showman” meets “Star Wars” and is a soft sci-fi with fantasy elements and no spice, sizzling romance.
And here's a short story blurb for FTTB:
A gender-bent Aladdin with a touch of Doctor Who meets the Mandalorian in Falling Through the Black which follows Leef and Merritt as they embark on a wild adventure to the capitol planet of Cerlia in the Xerus Galaxy. There's romance, betrayal, and life or death stakes as the galaxy descends into chaos at the hands of evil King Praxin.
Hope these teasers helped you decide!
If you need more information, the link for the Kickstarter campaign and a brief bio for the author are below. Thank you for checking it out!
Link to the campaign:
And a reminder of the dates:
April 5th - 26th
Author blurb:
E. A. Hendryx is an author, graphic designer, podcaster, and photographer living in Indiana with her husband, two dogs, and a cat named Pages. She writes fiction in multiple genres and spends more time on Instagram than she probably should. She grew up on a steady diet of Star Trek and Nancy Drew and believes that every idea is better in space. Connect with her online at: